Cancer is now the second leading cause of death in the Caribbean. Despite this growing burden, many Caribbean small island nations have health systems that struggle to provide optimal cancer care for their populations.
A recently published paper "Cancer Control in the Caribbean island countries and territories: some progress but the journey continues" co-authored by Dr. Glennis Andall-Brereton, Senior Technical Officer for Non-Communicable Diseases at CARPHA, reports “cancer causes a fifth of deaths in the Caribbean region and its incidence is increasing.” The article further states that incidence and mortality patterns of cancer in the Caribbean reflect globally widespread epidemiological transitions, and show cancer profiles that are unique to the Region. This third paper in the Lancet Series “Cancer Control in Small Island Nations
In the fourth paper of the Series, "Advancing cancer care and prevention in the Caribbean: a survey of strategies for the region", Dr. Andall-Brereton and others identify several promising initiatives to improve cancer prevention and treatment that have emerged across CARICOM countries.
Both papers can be downloaded here
Hilda Razzaghi, Damali N. Martin, Sarah Quesnel-Crooks, Yuling Hong, Edward Gregg, Glennis Andall-Brereton, Vilma Gawryszweski, Mona Saraiya
Pan American Journal of Public Health April 2019, Vol 43. DOI:
Hilda Razzaghi, Sarah Quesnel-Crooks, Recinda Sherman, Rachael Joseph, Betsy Kohler, Glennis Andall-Brereton, Marsha A. Ivey, Brenda K. Edwards, Les Mery, Vilma Gawryszewski, Mona Saraiya.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)Weekly / December 16, 2016 / 65(49);1395–1400DOI:
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