Caribbean ChildGICR Online Course on Childhood Cancer Registration, 15 October – 12 November 2024

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (SJCRH), in collaboration with the IARC Caribbean Cancer Registry Hub, Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), Trinidad and Tobago, held the first Caribbean ChildGICR course on Childhood Cancer Registration over the period 15 October – 12 November 2024. ChildGCIR stands for the collaborative programme “Targeting Childhood Cancer through the Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development”.

The course focused on the fundamentals of population-based registration of childhood cancer. Upon completion, participants were expected to be able to:

• Define the principles of population-based cancer registration and illustrate the specifics of registration of childhood cancer
• Describe the burden of childhood cancer and identify the key sources of information
• Understand and apply the principles of classification and staging of childhood cancers
• Explain how the collected data are validated, analysed, and used.

The training was offered as an online course. As the local course coordinator, the Caribbean Hub worked closely with a team from IARC to advertise the course, select participants through a competitive process, facilitate and manage the virtual sessions and ensure open communication with course faculty and participants throughout the course. The course was delivered in five 4-hour online sessions from 9am to 1pm Atlantic Standard Time every Tuesday from 15 October to 12 November 2024, following the preparatory session on 8th October.

Forty-two persons applied to participate in the course. Thirty-nine persons were accepted to the course, with 37 persons from 9 CARPHA Member States passing the final exam to obtain a course certificate.

International Agency for Research on Cancer – IARC Caribbean Cancer Registry Hub – Martinique Cancer Registry – OECS Health Unit Joint

Virtual Caribbean Course on Cancer Registration: Basic Principles and Methods for the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, November 16-18 2021

Presentation titled “Supporting the improvement of data availability for cancer control and prevention in the Caribbean”, 64th CARPHA Annual Health Research Conference, Trinidad and Tobago, June 20, 2019.

The North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR)/ International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR) 2019 Combined Conference, June 9 – 13, 2019, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Meeting of the Eastern Caribbean Diagnostic Oncology Network (EC-DON), Grenada, April 25-26, 2019

Virtual Training Session- Coding and Staging, March-April 2019

SEER*Stat for Global Cancer Registry Data - Preparing your incidence and mortality data to be used in SEER*Stat, January 23rd and February 20th 2019

IARC’s “Data Quality – Train the trainers Workshop’’, December 11-14, 2018; Lyon, France

Improving Standardization and Data Quality in Caribbean Cancer Registries, October 22-25 2018; NCI

Official Launch of the IARC Caribbean Cancer Registry Hub, June 12 2018; St. Kitts and Nevis

Workshop: Building Multisectoral Partnerships for Translational Cancer Prevention and Control Research in the Caribbean, June 13 2018; St. Kitts and Nevis

Session titled “Strengthening Health Planning: The IARC Caribbean Cancer Registry Hub”, 63rd CARPHA Annual Health Research Conference, June 14 2018; St. Kitts and Nevis

SEER*Stat Training Workshop for the Analysis and Reporting of National Mortality Data, May 15-17 2018; CARPHA

Caribbean Cancer Surveillance Meeting, June 21 2017; NAACCR 2017 Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico

CanReg 5 Basic Training Workshop, November 28-30 2016; NCI

Basic Training Workshop on Cancer Registration in the Caribbean, June 20-21, 2016; Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands